Philip Czarnecki

Philip Czarnecki is a guitarist, composer, arranger, educator, studio musician and simply a creative head living in Amsterdam, performing all over the globe.
Born in Hamburg/Germany, Philip's musical career started at the age of 8 with playing classical guitar. Soon Philip went into jazz, which would become his passion but he kept and open mind for any music genre there is. This makes him a in-demand sidemen for a whole bunch of different projects and a composer/arranger for jazz and classical music.Philip is also leading his own "Energetic Trio" and his quintet.
His path led him through the conservatory in Hamburg, where he studied as a youth-student, the "Junge Akademie Hamburg", the National Jazz Orchestra of Germany ("BuJazzO") and eventually the "Conservatory of Amsterdam", where he finished his Bachelor in June '11 and continues to be a Master student.
He won the 1st prize at the competition "Jugend Jazzt" several times and in 2009 the 1st prize at the "Prinses Christina Jazz Concours" in Amsterdam. Furthermore Philip, together with his band JEAN QUADRAT, won the 1t prize at the international competition "Startbahn Jazz" 2011. Along with the BuJazzO Philip won the "WDR Jazz Preis" ,was a finalist at the Leiden Jazz Award 2012 and- with his quintet- won the third prize at the competition "Jazz Hoeilaart" in September 2012.
Philip has performed in Clubs and festivals throughout Europe (e.g. the "NORTH SEA JAZZ FESTIVAL '09") and has been touring throughout South Africa and India.
Philip's arrangement of his composition "Hamburg" got awarded the second prize at the "BuJazzO Kompositionswettbewerb 2013" and his tune "Hidden Sun" has been chosen at the the same competition in 2010 to be performed and recorded at the BuJazzO's album "Originals".
Philip has been honored to share the stage and/or work with the NDR Bigband, Lukas Lindholm, Vladislav Sendecki, Martijn Vink, Niels Klein, R.A. Ramamani, T.A.S. Mani, Kartik Mani, Mike Herting, Ramesh Shotham, Geir Lysne, Lars M∅ller, Steffen Schorn, Marko Lackner and many more...

real live jazz Konzerte mit Philip Czarnecki


Modern Jazz, Swing orientiert, ein Blues dabei, Standards, Eigenkompositonen: vier Kölner Cats on the Walk.

Jean Quadrat

Jean Quadrat ist ein energiegeladenes Kollektiv, das sowohl auf als auch abseits der Bühne geschlossen auftritt und Spaß hat.
Fünf Freunde, die zusammen in ihrer Wunschbesetzung Musik machen, sind gleichzeitig fünf der besten jungen Jazzmusiker der jungen europäischen Szene.
Sie leben in Berlin, Amsterdam, und Nürnberg und treffen sich in regelmäßigen Abständen, um auf Tour zu gehen. Kennengelernt haben sie sich fast alle im Bundesjazzorchester (BuJazzO), wo ein jeder von ihnen seinen Dienst verrichtet hat oder es immer noch tut.
Perfekte Voraussetzungen dafür, nicht ins streckenweise glattgebügelte Milieu des Modern Mainstream abzudriften, sondern Musik mit viel Spannung und Seele zu spielen, die nur ihre eigenen Spielregeln kennt.
Jean Quadrat ist Preisträger des Internationalen Jazzwettbewerbs Startbahn Jazz 2011 Straubing und hat im Oktober 2011 seine zweite CD bei Peter Fuldas Label11 veröffentlicht.
Homepage Jean Quadrat
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